ONE’s Latest Info

If you’d like to sign up for our blog, please do so here. Our blogs appear only on Tuesday mornings, and only if there is something new to talk about. Otherwise, you will not receive anything from us. We will never sell your address or send you anything other than our blog posts.

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Below is the latest information and news from One New Education…

News News News

SO much has been happening in the past few weeks; it’s been hard to keep up with all of it. Here are some highlights from Haiti, Nicaragua, Honduras, Uganda and India:

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Our Girls in Honduras—and a New Board Member!

All of our girls in Honduras are doing really well. Camila is on the honor roll, as usual, and Linda Maria is thriving at her new school in Tatumbla. Please check out their pages to see more, but here are a couple of items for you to look at.

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Meet Linda Maria

ONE is happy to introduce you to our newest scholarship recipient, Linda Maria Salgado Valladares. Please check out her page to learn more about this firecracker of a little girl. You can also see the updated pages for all our girls in Nicaragua, and some videos that are up on the pages of Klaudina, Camila, Teresa, Michel, Karina, Alondra, and Odalis.

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New Photos and Letters

We’re slowly getting all the letters and photos from Central America up on the website. Please check out the pages for Klaudina, Camila, Odalis, Tatiana and Alondra. They are all growing up so fast, and doing so well in school, we couldn’t be happier. Here are some pictures to get you started:

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Playing Catch-Up

Happy March, everyone! It has been a busy February, and Christa is still trying to catch up from being gone to Honduras, Nicaragua and Baja California. There are a LOT of new photos and videos to view on the pages for all our girls, especially those from Honduras and Nicaragua. So please do check in from time to time as they will be added over the next few weeks. All of our girls in those countries are doing so well; it is just a delight to see!.

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Dance Party for ONE and All!

Join us for our Dance Party for ONE and All fundraiser on Sunday afternoon, February 21, 2016. We will be holding it at the Green Room on 15 N. Agassiz Street in Flagstaff and it is going to be a blast! The incredible talents of the the Flagstaff Arts and Leadership...

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Happy New Year from Mumbai, 2015 Annual Report and More!

Happy new year from Mumbai, India! Aarti and her girls and their moms had a wonderful celebration and she sent us photos and greetings, along with wishes for the most wonderful of new years to everyone at ONE. We thought we should pass them along to you, since there is nothing that looks more festive than these girls and their beautiful smiles!

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