
Krisbell Liseth Sevilla Sanchez

Date of Birth: August 1, 2014

Year in School: Fourth year of primary school

Costs per Year: $300

Location: El Sauce, Nicaragua

TOP    2024


Krisbell Liseth Sevilla Sanchez was recommended to us by our contact in El Sauce, Marina. She knows Krisbell’s mother, Kristel, from her work in the house just a few doors down the street.

During Christa’s and Meghan’s visit to El Sauce in December of 2023, we met with the two of them and talked to them. And it didn’t take long to see that this young girl would be an excellent scholarship recipient. Krisbell is a very sweet little girl. She is bright and cheerful, and a bit shy around the “old ladies.”

Krisbell and her mother are currently living in a relative’s house while he’s away in the US but they don’t have a home of their own. Kristel makes about 4000 cordobas/month—about $109 at current rates. She works as a house worker (cleans the house, cooks and washes laundry by hand for a wealthy family, including a whopping 5 and 1/2 bathrooms!) Kristel works there 6 days a week.

Krisbell enjoys her classes and has excellent grades (90% for third grade!), which has allowed her to have a scholarship at San Luis Gonzaga, a private Catholic school. Her mother met with the school to get her in because she knew it would be a better education than at a public school. Her scholarship is for her monthly tuition at the school, but Kristel still has to pay the matricula (entry fee), and then all the uniforms, school supplies, etc.The school is a long way from where they live, so Krisbell’s mother saved up and bought her a used bicycle, which is purple!

Krisbell’s favorite class is mathematics and she does not like natural sciences so much. She also loves dancing in school presentations, especially Palo de Mayo (maypole), a traditional dance from the Caribbean coast of Nicaragua with fast beats and drumming.

In her free time, Krisbell likes playing with her dolls, especially her favorite: Barbie! She likes playing with other children in the area and when she has a toy or doll she doesn’t use, she gives them to other kids who don’t have a toy.

Both Meghan and Christa were impressed by how much her mother wants her to learn and how engaged she seemed in her daughter’s education. She asked questions, paid attention, didn’t ask how much money the scholarship was for, etc. She told us that originally Krisbell had been in the public grade school, but the teachers were absent so often that she wasn’t learning anything and so she asked San Luis Gonzaga if Krisbell could study there. That takes a lot of initiative. We explained to her that she needs to support her daughter’s education, and she was right on board with that, emphatically!

Before Christa and Meghan left Nicaragua, they got Krisbell a Barbie bike helmet to wear as she navigates busy streets on the way to school. When Christa gave her the helmet, her eyes lit up and her mouth made a little O. It was adorable.

Krisbell’s letter to us was also adorable. Unfortunately, it got wet in Christa’s backpack, but we wanted you to see her drawing so we include it here. Her mom wrote down what Krisbell wanted to say, and we’ve translated it here.

Hello my name is Krisbell Lisseth. I am a girl who wants to accomplish my dream of becoming a teacher to be able to help my mother. I like to play when I have free time when I don’t have math homework or exams. I am my mom’s only child. I help my mom when she cleans the house for her work during my vacation. Many greetings, thanks, and may God bless you all.